Survive & thrive

woman dancing in seashore

Mental health & wellbeing

Now more than ever it is imperative to focus on our mental health & wellbeing.

These last 12 months have been a large-scale storm of disruption for most people & most of all families, and we have never experienced anything like this.

Taking a deep breath and remembering what is most important – your biggest motivations. yours & your family’s.

There’s a reason you put your oxygen mask on first in an airline emergency.

You can’t help others if you’ve passed out.       

 If you’re tired, stressed and time poor, it’s hard to maintain a calm, positive household. And this is what kids need right now. They have had periods of time where they might have been missing their friends, routines and teachers. Even if we are returning to some sort of new normal, nothing will resume exactly as it left off.

This new environment being navigated will have its own scenarios to deal with & factor into family life.

Looking after ourselves doesn’t need to be hard work or require spending lots of money.

Just by tweaking a few habits that no longer suit us or our family will make a big difference.


So how do we survive something like this and still be able to emerge from the other side with our sense of well-being & mental health intact and trying to maintain a level of fitness to allow us to get through the days.

When we get stressed there can be a tendency to use things like alcohol or food for comfort.

I know I have been guilty of this.

I do love food and sometimes do not always make the best choices or become lazy.

It’s important to remember that it is ok, we are human & to be kind to yourself.

Take action

Taking purposeful action every day sparks your motivation and expands your sense of what you are capable of. Every time you set your mind to do something—and then do it—you remind yourself of the power you have over what you do, think, and feel.

The best thing we can do for our kids is to give them the tools to survive, love them unconditionally, and be the best version of ourselves to allow them to be the best version of themselves.

Food is of course an essential element within this. Not only for maintaining a healthy body, but also for morale and uniting the family together. And in a survival situation, this is just as important as physical survival. Survival requires high morale, and food is a massive morale builder

One of the great ways to build a strong healthy family is the sharing of a meal. 

Evolve Family Fitness is more than meal plans & diet tips, we want to help you create an environment where your family thrives, to help you prepare & cook family meals with your kids while giving them lasting memories of those times & a healthy relationship with food. 

Take care !